Find a Registered Milking Machine Tester

Registered Testers are members of the NZMPTA that have undergone a specific course of study where they gain a complete and thorough understanding of how a milking machine should be installed and how it should operate. They have the knowledge and ability to test a machine for function and make recommendations on faults found. Registered Milking Machine Testers are required to submit examples or their recent work to obtain and maintain their registration.


Hawkes Bay / Wairarapa


Cooper Farm Services

06 379 5239

Ethan Cooper (ISO)Licensed Till: 23 Sep 26

Sam Cooper (ISO)Licensed Till: 23 Sep 26



Cotter & Stevens Ltd

06 306 9491

Brian McCarthy (ISO)Licensed Till: 21 Aug 25



Ordish & Stevens Ltd

(06) 370 0700

Aaron Carston (ISO)Licensed Till: 29 Sep 26

Ross Richards (ISO)Licensed Till: 28 Jun 25



CM Engineering

06 855 8364

Tom Pedersen Provisional Till: 14 Oct 25